Category: Drama

Certified Copy – 3*

Is it real or is it fake is the intriguing central theme that runs through elegant art-house film Certified Copy (hence the title), starring the ever-talented and beautiful Juliette Binoche. The power of Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami’s latest, more commercial offering than late is in the skilled direction that requires a certain patience to allow …

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – 4*

The hip-ometer just reached overdrive with another geek fest of ingenious film-making that Kick-Ass set the bar for back in March of this year. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World plays out the height of quirky Canadian coolness, and like Kick-Ass, doesn’t require being au fait with the books behind it by Bryan O’Malley, but will …

The Last Airbender – 2*

The draw of a good film is mainly in the story it has to tell, and for this reason, The Last Airbender scores higher because it’s a thought- and imagination-provoking tale of feuding parts that if they lived in harmony could be as one. The problem is the concept was given to such a hit-and-miss …