LFF 2014: X + Y ****


A film about an autistic maths child genius is not the most marketable affair, and is in danger of being gushy. However, made by British documentary maker Morgan Matthews with a touch of Brit pragmatism and subtle humour, these qualities render it endearing and very affecting. X + Y doesn’t try to give answers but just shows people evolving to cope with a situation they all find themselves in a holistic manner.

Asa Butterfield (of Martin Scorsese’s Hugo fame) gets to stretch his acting muscle in this, playing young teen Nathan who loses his beloved father in a tragic accident, and must then live along with mum (Sally Hawkins) who tries in vain to connect with her maths genius son. A breakthrough comes when Nathan gets extra coaching from lonely maths teacher with MS, Mr Humphreys (Rafe Spall) who realises his potential and enrols Nathan in a maths Olympiad. This opens Nathan up to new possibilities – and love.

X + Y is grounded by the main character’s quiet indifference as we awkwardly try to read and relate Nathan, just as his mother does. There are no miraculous, Hollywood breakthroughs, just something that feels ‘realistic’ as small steps are taken. There is a sense of progression but nothing ultimately schmaltzy. No one character is completely comfortable in their own skin so there are imperfections throughout acted by a near perfect cast. This allows us to empathise but never judge.

The fact that Nathan enters a world of equally ‘socially challenged’ maths whiz kids when he arrives in China and still wants to hide his disability adds a certain credible charm and makes him not that different from any other young teen. Note the touching talents of Jake Davies as Luke, a complex nerd the rest of the group turn on. Nathan’s first love story is about the only thing that feels ‘manufactured’ as the story goes and not as believable as the other parts. Still, for a debut, Matthews has achieved quite a remarkable feat and revealed Butterfield’s true talents.

4/5 stars

By @FilmGazer

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