Tag: Edgar Wright

The World’s End ***

The World’s End is the immature being’s fitting finale to the famed Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy from filmmaking trio Edgar Wright, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. It encompasses the ultimate will to stay forever young that the three are best known for, and for that reason, will have a special place in fans’ hearts. That …

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

With Indiana Jones getting way past his prime – watching an older Harrison Ford leaping over containers in the opening scenes of the 2008 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull brought tears to the eyes, while the potential of Shia LaBeouf filling his screen father’s boots was silently quash after the same …

Attack The Block ***

Aliens landing on a South London estate are interesting enough to give new domestic schlock horror, Attack The Block, a moment’s consideration. Coupled with a stoned appearance from Anglo-US success Nick Frost (he of the Pegg-Frost partnership behind Paul and Shaun of the Dead) and Spielberg-backed Joe Cornish of Adam and Joe TV fame is …

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – 4*

The hip-ometer just reached overdrive with another geek fest of ingenious film-making that Kick-Ass set the bar for back in March of this year. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World plays out the height of quirky Canadian coolness, and like Kick-Ass, doesn’t require being au fait with the books behind it by Bryan O’Malley, but will …