Tag: Jon Hamm

Bridesmaids *****

The biggest mistake you can make is to dismiss Paul Feig’s Bridesmaids as yet another pre-wedding ‘chick flick’, along the lines of 27 Dresses. An even bigger one is writing it off as simply a ‘female Hangover’ – even though contrary to critic sentiment, the lads in Bangkok are riding high at No.2 slot in …

Sucker Punch ***

It’s too easy to be blasé about visual maestro Zack Snyder’s new film Sucker Punch, and call it gaming-action porn with scantily-clad women – the opposite of the half-naked 300 men. Just as its Japanese manga influences revel in dubious paedophilia-like images of prepubescent schoolgirls kicking ass, this film could easily be dismissed as a …

The Town – 4*

Ben Affleck is developing into quite a director, first demonstrating his impressive skills with his 2007 feature debut Gone Baby Gone that introduced the international audience to Boston and its working-class charm that cries the same ‘lost community’ song as other films dealing with urban change. Now his second and latest film, The Town, set …