Tag: Ben Affleck

Gone Girl ****

Imagine the person you thought you knew best was not that person at all. It’s the perfect screenplay twist to what is essentially wrapped up in a standard missing person’s crime drama. Added to which, this mystery, Gone Girl, is directed by none other than Se7en director David Fincher, a master of the downbeat, edgy …

Runner Runner **

Some thrillers need more than a touch of style and an attractive cast; they need a substantial storyline. It’s not that Runner Runner doesn’t initially promise something meaty to bite on and the chance to watch it all play out in sunny Costa Rica, it’s just things fizzle out and become mediocre when we’ve soon …

The Town – 4*

Ben Affleck is developing into quite a director, first demonstrating his impressive skills with his 2007 feature debut Gone Baby Gone that introduced the international audience to Boston and its working-class charm that cries the same ‘lost community’ song as other films dealing with urban change. Now his second and latest film, The Town, set …