Category: Animation

The Green Hornet – 4*

Not to be confused with Ryan Reynolds’ The Green Lantern, out soon, this is another superhero-story-cum-film adaptation of Trendle and Striker’s action hero drama from director Michel Gondry that stars Seth Rogen and Jay Chou as a pair of vigilantes by night, ridding downtown of its unsavoury characters and growing drugs problem. And it’s unadulterated …

Megamind – 5*

Everybody loves a superhero, especially one who is not so ‘super’ at what they do, and one that has flaws we can relate to. Meet Megamind, a large, blue-headed klutz who just wants to be loved and accepted, which is what makes him so endearing from the word go. Megamind is the most brilliant super-villain …

LFF: Africa United – 4*

In a gloomy world full of socio-political issues, especially in relation to screen portrayals of Africa, it’s refreshing to watch a film that  champions the power of positive thought, fuelling the story from beginning to end. It is a vibrant and positively charming journey that captures the true, fighting spirit of Africa, it is an …

Alpha and Omega – 2*

Pixar is just not doing other animators any favours, especially in the 3D stakes. So, for a new non-Pixar film to stand out, it has to have something extra special and memorable about it. Crest Animation’s Alpha and Omega is sadly going to be remembered by this critic as a ‘Timotei ad for wolves with …

Despicable Me – 4*

Not another 3D animation, we hear you cry? Well, it’s not Pixar for one, which instantly (some might say, quite fairly) has most doubting how good it will be, after the likes of Toy Story 3D and Up that set the bar way up high. But what’s interesting about this not being a Pixar product …

A Town Called Panic – 4*

Are you familiar with the eccentric Cravendale milk ads and the cows getting moo-ing mad over their ‘stolen’ milk? A Town Called Panic is a feature-length version, based on the Belgian animated cult TV series of the same name. The film is quite simply animated lunacy run wild from directors Vincent Patar and Stéphane Aubier …

Toy Story 3D – 5*

Sequels are notoriously tricky things to pull off – trilogies even harder. The franchise not only has to be a strong and established one, but you have to ensure return fans and make them believe that they’ll be missing out on the ‘next chapter in the story’, if they don’t catch the new installment. This …