Tag: Anthony Mackie

Captain America: Civil War (3D) ****

The smartest Avengers film to date and serves as a well-made introduction to the Marvel characters for any newbies. New cast members and old-timers do not disappoint, even with a lot of personalities at stake.

Triple 9 **

There is little else of memorable substance, although it’s perfectly watchable, complete with gory and impressive action set-pieces too. It’s certainly not all bad, but could be far darker and daring in story and spirit than its cinematography.

The Adjustment Bureau – 3*

Matt Damon has certainly earned our respect as an action hero in the series of Bourne films, combining intelligence and athleticism into one complex character. And his performance in The Adjustment Bureau as US Senator-to-be David Norris is no exception. The film ought to be the perfect vehicle for allowing the acclaimed actor to play …