Tag: Keanu Reeves

John Wick ****

What do you get when you cross Keanu Reeves and two ex-stuntmen-turned-directors? The answer is one hell of an action movie with a star that may well be 50 years old, but shows absolutely no signs of slowing down. John Wick has rebooted Reeves in action-man mode, and possibly given him another franchise to sink …

The Adjustment Bureau – 3*

Matt Damon has certainly earned our respect as an action hero in the series of Bourne films, combining intelligence and athleticism into one complex character. And his performance in The Adjustment Bureau as US Senator-to-be David Norris is no exception. The film ought to be the perfect vehicle for allowing the acclaimed actor to play …

Henry’s Crime – 3*

Director Malcolm Venville’s new film, Henry’s Crime, has all the subtleties of a Woody Allen caper and the oddly mismatched characters of a Coen Brothers production, but without the latter’s distinguished expertise on plot development. That said, and with hindsight, it proves to be a charming and indulgent watch because of some delightful performances from …