Tag: Russell Crowe

Ben-Hur (3D) **

Still consumable – if you haven’t seen the 1959 powerhouse version – as the two leads try their damnedest to command a real screen presence. However, the film itself lacks spirit. Bekmambetov’s subdued cinematography does make the whole affair feel rather ‘televised’, rather than like an old-school, silver-screen epic

Man Of Steel ****

Prepare for a darker, more brooding Superman film than before, hardly surprising given The Dark Knight Rises creator Christopher Nolan’s hand in this, co-writing with his Batman collaborator David Goyer. If the mood does not absorb you into the trials and tribulations of being a superhuman on Earth, then director Watchmen Zack Snyder’s action-packed scenes …

The Next Three Days – 3*

Paul Haggis is a master of tension building, from Crash to In The Valley of Elah, putting his characters through the emotional mill, and challenging preconceptions. On face value, his latest film, The Next Three Days, starring heavyweight Russell Crowe, is a surprisingly toned-down affair and a true popcorn flick. But it still has a …