Category: Family

Hugo (3D) ***

Many name James Cameron as the man at the forefront of 3D. But Hugo (3D) has just added another exciting contender in one of the most unlikely directors, Martin Scorsese, who is best known for chronicling the rough and gangster-ready parts of urban America, with such greats as Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and The Departed. The …

Happy Feet Two (3D) ***

More penguins, more dancing set-pieces is what Happy Feet writer-director George Miller gives us again, probably because they make for vibrant family entertainment. Short of the penguin musical, the second film that had some huge boots to fill after the Award-winning first is rather a colourful, sing-song whirl of incoherent plot-lines and snatched, throwaway character …

Arthur Christmas ****

Reviewing an animated family Christmas film is rather like looking at a small child’s enthusiastic doodle – you try really hard to say something positive and glowing about it but feel wicked if negative thoughts pop into your head. It’s probably the toughest thing to do in this job, and sadly, does depend on your …

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

With Indiana Jones getting way past his prime – watching an older Harrison Ford leaping over containers in the opening scenes of the 2008 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull brought tears to the eyes, while the potential of Shia LaBeouf filling his screen father’s boots was silently quash after the same …

Real Steel ****

It seems that every film-maker going after the youth market is adding gadgets and robots to films, as if the human interest side of their stories is not enough to keep the younger, video-gaming generation engaged. So it’s great to see a robot film that concentrates on the human relationships for once, and one that …

The Smurfs In 3D ***

Seeing little blue people prancing before your very eyes is usually not a sign of good health. But Raja Gosnell’s The Smurfs In 3D makes you feel far from blue and has a simple if predictable storyline that all ages can get involved with. It’s Smurfin’ good fun. When the evil wizard Gargamel (Hank Azaria) …

Super 8 ****

Since the Spielberg heyday of E.T. and The Goonies, we’ve been waiting for a really smart, contemporary kids sci-fi adventure to match. Although Super 8, a project produced by the film-maker and written and directed by another great, J.J. Abrams (Cloverfield), is a damn fine extraterrestrial Noughties version that will totally capture the hearts and …

Zookeeper **

On first glance at the poster, you’d be forgiven in thinking it was Night At The Museum: Part 3, only starring cuddly comedian Kevin James of Paul Blart: Mall Cop fame, instead of Ben Stiller. Well, you’ve got the animal business right – and the cute/irritating monkey (depending on your stance). James acting the monkey, …

Cars 2 (3D) ***

If crazy animated antics are not your bag, look away now: Lightning McQueen gives the road over to his trusted but goofy pal Mater this time in the sequel, Cars 2. It seems Lasseterand co have gone back to the original plot of the evils of gas-guzzling cars in an environmentally-conscious world, with this story’s …