Month: March 2011

Limitless ****

Imagine popping a pill that triggers total memory recall and information intake to allow you to achieve whatever you want in life. Sounds like superhuman power, the ultimate aphrodisiac, perhaps? But with such power come responsibility and an ugly side. This is the idea behind The Illusionist’s Neil Burger’s new psychological thriller, Limitless, starring The …

Chalet Girl ***

Are you ready for a fairy tale with a sporting kick to it? Chalet Girl is a modern-day ‘dreams come true’ story that anybody can easily relate to, the idea of finding love and success on the snowy Alps. As the beginning of 2011 slowly kicks in, many dream of getting away, so this film …

You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger ***

Focusing on the standard prediction from many a fortune-teller, Woody Allen offers his latest London-set relationship riddle, You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger, attracting the usual international talent that includes Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin, Freida Pinto, Anthony Hopkins, Antonio Banderas, Lucy Punch and Gemma Jones. Though not of the high calibre of Allen’s heyday, …

Hall Pass ***

What happens when you give your horny hubby the week off marriage? He turns into a desirable sex god to the younger female, of course. This is the wild premise explored in the Farrelly Brothers’ latest ‘slap-and-tickle’, but equally sentimental comedy, Hall Pass, and it sounds ripe for the comedy taking. Depending on your version …

The Resident ***

If you live alone this film is targeting you, playing on that feeling of foreboding you might experience when things go bump in the night, or the landlord gets a bit too familiar. In addition to the celebrated return of the Hammer Films with this film, The Resident also rejoices in the idea of creepy …

Rango – 4*

Pirates of the Caribbean colleagues, director Gore Verbinski and actor Johnny Depp are the headliners on this new animation’s poster. But in all honesty, you really wouldn’t recognise Depp’s vocals, were you not in the know. Depp is like a voice chameleon himself as the optimistic lizard lead, Rango, the latest bestial hero sent to …

The Adjustment Bureau – 3*

Matt Damon has certainly earned our respect as an action hero in the series of Bourne films, combining intelligence and athleticism into one complex character. And his performance in The Adjustment Bureau as US Senator-to-be David Norris is no exception. The film ought to be the perfect vehicle for allowing the acclaimed actor to play …

Ironclad – 4*

Now and then, there are films that need to show raw violence, in order to recreate the reality of a situation, contrary to the sensitivity of some. Writer/director Jonathan English may have never experienced 13th Century Britain, but it’s safe to suggest that the blade resolved most disputes – be that of the sword or axe …

Carmen in 3D – 4*

Regardless of how it’s sold, opera is an acquired taste, and to see any such production suggests an initial glimmer of interest from the start. This is both the fascinating experiment of Julian Napier’s ‘RealD’ (3D)-shot film of the Royal Opera House’s production of Carmen and its Achilles’ Heel. It poses a vicious cycle to …